First Short Quiz: Islam’s Core Principle of Violent Holy War

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First Short Quiz: Islam’s Core Principle of Violent Holy War

Post by johnkarls »

First Short Quiz: Islam’s Core Principle of Violent Holy War

1. Was our author, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, born in 1969 in Somalia?

2. Because her father was a prominent politician who was jailed by political opponents, was Hirsi Ali raised in 4 different Muslim cultures -- Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia and Kenya?

3. After genital mutilation, etc., did Hirsi Ali flee to Holland to escape an arranged marriage?

4. After university in Holland, was she one of the leaders of a new political party protesting Holland’s supposed “liberal” policy of permitting the free practice of religion in general, and Islam in particular -- especially with regard to its non-liberal treatment of women including HONOR KILLINGS ON DUTCH SOIL?

5. Although the new party swept to power, was its leader Pym Fortuyn assassinated two weeks before the election by Radical Muslims?

6. Was famous Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh also assassinated by Radical Muslims because he had made a documentary film about Hirsi Ali and her political views?

7. Did Theo van Gogh’s assassins stab to his chest a letter to Hirsi Ali that said in effect “you’re next”?

8. As a result, did Hirsi Ali flee in 2004 to the U.S. into the equivalent of the “witness protection program”?

9. However, did it soon become apparent that Hirsi Ali had joined the faculty of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government where for the last 13 years and counting, she has taught and published numerous books on Radical Islam?

10. Is the thesis of our focus book “Heretic: Why Islam Needs A Reformation Now” that the heart of Islam is World Conquest as the result of Violent Holy War?

11. Does she explain that World Conquest by Violent Holy War is required by the famous “Sword Verses” of the Quran?

12. Does she explain why Islam Apologists who claim that Islam is a religion of peace, are dead wrong?

13. In other words, that the Quranic “peace verses” cited by the Islam Apologists come from Muhammad’s Mecca period during which he and Islam were floundering, while the “Sword Verses” come from Muhammad’s later Medina period when Muhammad and Islam were flourishing as a result of military conquests, many of which Muhammad led personally?

14. And does Hirsi Ali explain that all 4 main schools of Islamic Jurisprudence and all 25 approved Islamic interpretations of the Quran agree in general that any statements in the Quran that are inconsistent with later Quranic statements ARE ABROGATED, and in particular, the “peace verses” cited by the Islam Apologists ARE ABROGATED by the “Sword Verses”?

15. Accordingly, does Hirsi Ali propose a “Reformation” of Islam while citing the “Reformation” of Roman Catholicism (as distinguished from Eastern Orthodox Christianity) prompted by Martin Luther’s so-called “95 Theses” in 1517?

16. Is Hirsi Ali’s proposal probably a forlorn hope not only because of an obvious misunderstanding of the nature of Martin Luther’s Reformation, but also because of the nature of Islam as she admits in our focus book?

17. Although Martin Luther’s so-called “95 theses” suggests 95 quarrels with Roman Catholicism, don’t they actually comprise 95 paragraphs on a single subject for which the title of the “95 theses” was “Disputation on the Power of Indulgences”?

18. Weren’t “indulgences” de facto licenses to commit sins such as murder which the Vatican required its clerics to sell to their congregants in order to raise funds for various purposes and for which the Vatican assigned minimum quotas to be raised by each cleric?

19. Even if the Vatican’s claim is correct that all of the historical examples of indulgences being sold before the commission of crimes were NOT authorized by the Vatican, is this merely splitting hairs since everyone knew before the commission of her/his crimes what the price of the indulgence would be?

20. So what does the sale of indulgences have to do with Christianity???

21. And who gave the Pope and the Vatican the power to forgive crimes whether or not before the fact???

22. Didn’t Christ say that there were only two commandments “for inheriting eternal life” -- (1) loving God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind, and (2) loving your neighbor as yourself (immediately following which is the story of The Good Samaritan to drive home Christ’s point that every human being on earth is your “neighbor”!!!)???

23. So in jettisoning the Vatican’s sale-of-indulgences heresy, wasn’t Martin Luther’s “Reformation” really a “return to basics” of what Christ claimed Christianity to be???

24. So how can jettisoning Muhammad’s core principle of World Conquest by Holy War be viewed as a “Reformation” in the sense of “getting back to basics”???

25. Isn’t Hirsi Ali’s proposed “Reformation” of Islam really jettisoning one of its principal basics, rather than getting back to basics???

26. After all, doesn’t Hirsi Ali say that Mainstream Islam (not just the Radicals) believe that the Quran is God’s Word, that the Quran is God’s FINAL word, and that questioning the Quran is heresy which, of course, must be punished by death?

27. And doesn’t Hirsi Ali describe Mainstream Islam (not just the Radicals) as viewing life on earth as nothing but a fleeting opportunity to prepare for The Judgment Day and, hopefully, Eternity in Heaven?

28. And don’t the famous “Sword Verses” which all Islamic authorities agree are a principal feature of Islam (please see Questions 11-14) glorify Martyrdom in a violent Holy War for World Conquest as the best way to by-pass The Judgment Day and enter Heaven immediately?

29. BTW, does Hirsi Ali credit (p. 120) an Islamic University Professor and spokesman for Hamas in Gaza for the famous principle that not only do Islamic Martyrs by-pass a truly-fearsome Judgment Day but 70 close relatives of the Martyr do as well?

30. Is this famous principle the reason why we usually see in newscasts the relatives of Islamic Martyrs actually rejoicing rather than mourning?

31. BUT haven’t Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Osama bin Laden said exactly the same thing???

32. Indeed, didn’t the first of Osama’s five fatwas, this one entitled “Declaration of War Against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places” and issued in 1996 say (translation courtesy of the PBS Newshour) – “A martyr’s privileges are guaranteed by Allah: forgiveness with the first gush of his blood, he will be shown his seat in paradise, he will be decorated with the jewels of belief (Imaan), married off to the beautiful ones, protected from the test in the grave, assured security in the day of judgement, crowned with the crown of dignity, a ruby of which is better than this whole world (Duniah) and its entire content, wedded to seventy two of the pure Houries (beautiful ones of Paradise) and his intercession on the behalf of seventy of his relatives will be accepted.”???

33. So yes, Hirsi Ali says that Westerners should support the efforts of Islam Reformers and NOT the Islam Apologists, but to the outsider such as Yours Truly, aren’t the Islam Reformers really cutting out the heart of the patient?

34. And doesn’t Hirsi Ali herself describe the process with an analogy to a historic building for which, instead of destroying it and building something else in its place, its façade is preserved while all of its interior is gutted and replaced with the most-modern features?

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