9/18/2019: The U.N. Campaign Against Trafficking In Persons




We are a U.S. public-policy monthly discussion group founded in the Fall of 2005 that meets on the third Wednesday of each month (with adjustments to avoid secular/religious holidays).

Since February 2020, we have met via Zoom. [For the first 14.5 years of our existence, we met at the Salt Lake City Library (210 East 400 South) with remote participation via Skype.]

The topic is selected by the attendees of the previous month’s meeting. The focus is usually a book but frequently comprises only news items from magazines/newspapers/etc. This bulletin board serves, inter alia, as a place for members to post comments or additional reference materials prior to each meeting.

Our attendance averages 11-12. Participants come from all walks of life but our regular attendees include 4 attorneys and 3 scientists.

There are approx. 225 recipients of our weekly newsletter, many of whom reside outside Utah and participate by Zoom.


We take great pride in our Six-Degrees-Of-Separation E-mail campaigns to America's decision makers which, with only a few computer keyboard key strokes, can be sent by each of our members (1) to the decision maker, and (2) to all of the member's friends and acquaintances requesting them to do the same in an unending chain.

Accordingly, we also take great pride that each of our official recommendations has been approved unanimously at one of our meetings or, at most, received only one dissent.

All 40 e-mail campaigns over the years are collected in this section. They include 10 e-mails sent by John Karls that did not receive an official endorsement for the rest of our members to send. The titles of the 30 official recommendations are ALL CAPS and the titles of 10 unofficial recommendations are lower case.

The date of the meeting at which each of the 40 campaigns was adopted is listed so that voluminous additional information about that campaign can be accessed by scrolling down to the sections of this bulletin board that relate to that meeting.

In addition, there are four items whose descriptions begin with “REPORT.” They are reports of our Great Salt Lake Working Group which was formed IAW our “Short-Time Fuse” procedures described in the next section of this bulletin board.

There is also a 1/20/2021 “Report” of our JCPOA Working Group.

Finally, there are eight items whose descriptions begin with “REPRISE.” They describe additional actions that were taken IAW previous official e-mail campaigns to bring their approved policies to the attention of additional decision makers.


If you would like to receive our weekly newsletter, please send an e-mail to ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com with a subject, “Please Add Me To Weekly E-mail List.”


Due to sabotage and porn attacks, only attendees of one or more of our meetings are permitted to post on this bulletin board.

If you have attended one of our meetings and would like to register to post something, please send an E-mail to ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com with the subject, “Please Register Me For The Bulletin Board.”
Posts: 2059
Joined: Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:43 pm

9/18/2019: The U.N. Campaign Against Trafficking In Persons

Post by johnkarls »

CALL TO ACTION – Six-Degrees-Of-Separation-Email-Campaign – A Suggestion To President Trump Re How To Support the United Nations 19-year Campaign Against “Trafficking In Persons, Especially Women and Children” – only 5 minutes needed to participate

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: CALL TO ACTION – E-mail Campaign To Pres. Trump Re How To Support the United Nations 19-year Campaign Against “Trafficking In Persons, Especially Women and Children” – only 5 minutes needed to participate
From: ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com
Date: Mon, September 23, 2019
To: ReadingLiberallyEmailList@johnkarls.com
Bcc: The 161 Recipients Of Our Weekly E-mail

Dear Friends,

We take great pride in our Six-Degrees-Of-Separation E-mail campaigns to America's decision makers such as President Trump which, with only a few computer keyboard key strokes, can be sent by each of our members (1) to the decision maker, and (2) to all of the member's friends and acquaintances requesting them to do the same in an unending chain.

Accordingly, we also take great pride that each of our recommendations has been approved unanimously at one of our meetings or, at most, received only one dissent (in which case we say there was a "consensus" rather than "unanimity").

The following e-mail was approved at our 9/18/2019 meeting.

However, we did not achieve our minimum quorum on 9/18/2019 for reasons explained in the 4 postings in Sec. 2 of http://www.ReadingLiberally-SaltLake.org.

Under such circumstances, we have always circulated to our e-mail list the text of the unofficial campaign so that each member, exercising her/his Right of Free Speech, can independently decide whether to participate.

The text of the unofficial campaign which follows below should be self-explanatory.

If you agree with the recommended E-mail to President Trump that appears below, please:

(1) send the already-prepared e-mail appearing below to President Trump by cutting-and-pasting the already-prepared e-mail into http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact which requires your contact information (name, e-mail address and telephone number) after selecting the “message type” as “Contact the President”; and

(2) send to all your friends and acquaintances the already-prepared e-mail package that comprises everything below the immediately-following string of asterisks -- so that, through no more than six degrees of separation to 100% of the American population, we reach everyone in a cascading chain.

To: All of your friends and acquaintances

Subject: CALL TO ACTION – E-mail Campaign To Pres. Trump Re How To Support the United Nations 19-year Campaign Against “Trafficking In Persons, Especially Women and Children” – only 5 minutes needed to participate

Dear Friends,

I have been requested to participate in the referenced "call to action" and request that you participate as well.

It is the 42nd such Call to Action on various topics recommended by a monthly patriotic public-policy study-action group over the last 14 years comprising already-prepared e-mails that can be sent to decision makers on important policy issues. The following proposed e-mail was approved at our 9/18/2019 meeting.

The group’s attendance averages 11-12 from approximately 161 worldwide recipients of our weekly newsletter (nonresidents can participate by Skype).

The campaigns are based on the fact that there are NO MORE THAN SIX DEGREES OF SEPARATION between us and 100% of the American population.

And that, on important occasions, we can send to all of our friends and acquaintances an already-prepared e-mail (1) for them to send to decision maker(s), and (2) for them to send to all of their friends and acquaintances to do the same in an unending chain.


The following e-mail should be self-explanatory. If you agree with it, please –

(1) send the already-prepared e-mail appearing immediately below to President Trump by cutting-and-pasting the already-prepared e-mail into http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact which requires your contact information (name, e-mail address and telephone number) after selecting the “message type” as “Contact the President”; and

(2) forward to all your friends and acquaintances this entire e-mail -- so that, through no more than six degrees of separation to 100% of the American population, we reach everyone in a cascading chain.


The Hon. Donald J. Trump
President of the United States

Dear Mr. President:

Re: A Suggestion How To Support the U.N. Campaign Against “Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children”

Per the United Nations, the overwhelming source of slaves (most for sex but some for forced labor, organ harvesting, etc.) come from refugee camps whose residents are so desperate to escape intolerable conditions that they are willing to believe the lies of Organized Crime and “jump from the frying pan into the fire”!!!

Although refugee camps are intended to meet basic human needs for a short time, many have existed for decades. They are usually built and run by a government, by the United Nations, or by an NGO such as the Red Cross.

And despite the U.N. 19-year Campaign Against “Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children,” the U.N. currently reports that Human Trafficking is a LARGER business for Organized Crime than illegal drugs!!! And LARGER than illegal guns!!!

There are more slaves today than ever throughout history per Prof. Siddharth Kara, Director of Harvard’s Program on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery -- indeed, at least TWICE AS MANY people are CURRENTLY TRAPPED in some form of slavery as were traded throughout the 350 years of the transatlantic slave industry!!!

Meanwhile, the U.S. Government is encouraging Multinational Companies (MNC’s) to re-locate their foreign manufacturing to countries other than China!!!

Why not be specific??? And encourage/direct/incent the MNC’s to re-locate their foreign manufacturing from China to the refugee camps???

After all, the U.S. Government has been overseeing the exportation of American jobs for more than 25 years!!!

Isn’t it about time that the U.S. Government, in addition to trying to bring back those jobs to America, institute policies that direct those which cannot be brought back, to be located in refugee camps rather than China???

Thank you for your consideration.

Posts: 2059
Joined: Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:43 pm

Administrative Post

Post by johnkarls »


The purpose of this “Reply” is to place the posting entitled 9/18/2019: The U.N. Campaign Against Trafficking In Persons ahead of the posting entitled REPRISE: PresidentialDebateModerators-Global Warming-Thorium in order to restore chronological order.


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